

キングコブラ フレンズ 202361-キングコブラ フレンズ

The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is a venomous snake species of elapids endemic to jungles in Southern and Southeast AsiaThe sole member of the genus Ophiophagus, it is distinguishable from other cobras, most noticeably by its size and neck patternsThe king cobra is the world's longest venomous snake, with an average length of 318 to 4 m (104 to 131 ft), reaching a5317 現生の毒蛇の中では最も身体が大きい キングコブラ の フレンズ 。Along with the King Cobra enemies, he also has friends and group affiliations that help him fight against enemies and stand by his side in both good and bad times From King Cobra Biography, along with list of King Cobra enemies, we also bring you the list of King Cobra friends and group affiliations Check out all the elemental and medical キングコブラ Explore Tumblr Posts And Blogs Tumgir キングコブラ フレンズ

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